Call us: 0800 0663 444

What we can help with

ImmigrationEmploymentEnglish ClassesHealthHousing & DestitutionWelfare & BenefitsCitizenshipResettlement

Getting help

If you need help, you can attend one of RMC’s three centres where our open drop-in service runs on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between 9am-1pm.   

Regular appointments are booked on a first-come, first-served basis but emergencies are prioritised.  

Alternatively, service users can contact our new Regional Telephone Service (NOT AN ADVICE LINE) number on 0800 0663 444 for an update on existing enquiry/s. 

Our service standard outlines the step-by-step process for accessing our services and the standards you can expect from us.

What we can help with

Click below to see more details about the types of work we do

and see out list of things that RMC can not support with here


Free, comprehensive immigration support. Accredited up to Level 3 by OISC.

Employment, Education & Training

A tailored package towards their goals in life and gaining employment.

English Classes

Free English classes covering all levels across our three centres.

Health Support

Free support to understand your rights and responsibilities around the NHS and to overcome any barriers in accessing health support

Housing, Destitution & Homelessness

Help to accessing housing, preventing homelessness and support for those destitute

Welfare & Benefits support

Full, professional guidance on welfare and benefits entitlements, including support to apply and update details. 

Citizenship Preparation

Comprehensive support throughout the citizenship process

Resettlement & Integration Work

RMC also deliver several Resettlement and Integration schemes, supporting those arriving through government programmes to settle and build a life in the UK.

Current projects

We often have additional opportunities to get support from RMC, workshops and training that you can attend. See below for our current projects

Used our service?

Please note: this feedback form is for feedback only and we can not provide advice or updates via messages from the feedback form.

We’re always trying to improve our service and we would love to hear from you.

Support RMC does not provide


  • DVLA related enquiries
  • Car related enquires (insurance, tax, MOT…etc.)
  • Booking flights/coach/train tickets
  • TV license, Mobile phone enquires, broadband enquiries
  • Legal advice on compensation claims (personal, employment, criminal, and injury etc.) and court claim forms
  • Family law enquires (marriage, divorce, child custody, child maintenance etc.)
  • Tracing international or local mail (or post)
  • Bank account enquiries
  • Accredited Debts advice
  • Mortgage enquiries
  • Pet-related enquiries
  • Utility enquiries e.g. meter readings, switching suppliers and related accredited debt advice.
  • Buying or selling property
  • Buying or selling household appliances
  • DBS check
  • SIA badge
  • Self-employment assessment (TAX)
  • University (UCAS) applications, student loans and other related enquires


  • OISC: Points-Based Immigration System (PBS), Visitor visa, Initial asylum claim representations
  • Following up on existing immigration applications submitted by external representatives.
  • From the 1st August 2022 RMC will no longer support any clients 3 months after they become British citizens unless in very specific circumstances such as:
    • Immigration advice on bringing your family to the UK, e.g., spouse and/or children
    • Extension of Limited Leave to remain for dependents
    • Application for Indefinite Leave to Remain for dependents

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