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Welcome to RMC’s Volunteer page!

Volunteers are at the heart of RMC’s work and we simply could not do what we do without them. This page outlines what our volunteers do, how you can get involved and what the process looks like, pus has lots of stories from our volunteer team.

If you need more information, or have any questions, please get in touch with me at:

Volunteer & Training Manager – Claire

Interested in volunteering?

When you volunteer at RMC, you get to make a difference to your community as well as build your skills and experience.

We try to make the process as simple as possible while providing support throughout.

There is an initial interest form you can complete and more information below on how it all works

Available roles

We are currently at full capacity for our volunteer places and due to high demand are unable to take on new volunteers at this time.


As a volunteer, you will always have a range of support available to you.

After initial training and induction, you will be given a mentor who will support you through your time.

Alongside this, you have your volunteer manager who is always there for support.

Placements and students

If your looking to volunteer as part of your studies, we have opportunities that suit many courses.

Law degree student?

We have a special opportunity for Law Degree students that suits the needs of your course best.

Please click on the link below for the job description and application form.  This can then be emailed to Claire Ashraf –

Volunteering stories

The power of mentoring

Every volunteer at RMC is assigned a mentor to support them. But what does this mean? Why is mentoring important?

Claire shares tips on mentoring as well as some stories from volunteers on the impact it had on them, and their mentor.

Register your interest to volunteer with us!

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