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Why Your Fundraising Is So Important

Why Your Fundraising Is So Important

Posted July 23, 2024

Every time someone starts a fundraiser, a community comes closer together. Every bake sale, every fun run, all helps make a difference to real people, with real lives. RMC’s doors are open to help people navigate through those difficult times, to provide guidance and advice and to help people settle and build a life in[…]

Refugee Week 2024

Refugee Week 2024

Posted July 12, 2024

The 17 – 23rd June 2024 marked Refugee Week with celebrations taking place across the country. This year RMC was out and about with a full schedule of activities including talks, workshops, stalls and events across Birmingham and the Black Country. What is Refugee Week? Refugee Week is the world’s largest arts & culture festival[…]

eVisas – What we know so far

eVisas – What we know so far

Posted June 28, 2024

The Home office plan to introduce eVisas as standard and move to a ‘digital by default’ border and immigration system by 2025. As part of this, the Home Office is replacing physical immigration documents with a digital proof of immigration status (an eVisa), for those already living in the UK but also for those applying for[…]

Safety of Rwanda Act 2024  – What you need to know 

Safety of Rwanda Act 2024  – What you need to know 

Posted May 14, 2024

Overview on the safety of Rwanda Act 2024 On the 25th of April the Safety for Rwanda (Immigration and Asylum) Act 2024 became law. At the same time the UK-Rwanda Treaty was ratified.   According to this Act, all decision makers including the Secretary of State, Home Office caseworkers and Courts and Tribunals must conclusively treat Rwanda[…]

Key immigration issues impacting RMC clients

Key immigration issues impacting RMC clients

Posted April 15, 2024

Written by RMC Immigration Department Manager, Danai Papachristopoulou In the last two years, we have seen several changes in the immigration rules, increases in application fees, changes to the legal requirements and three asylum bills going though Parliament. All these ongoing changes have created a range of barriers which impacts our clients when trying to[…]

The implications of the changes to the minimum income requirement for partner visas

The implications of the changes to the minimum income requirement for partner visas

Posted April 11, 2024

Written by RMC Immigration Department Manager, Danai Papachristopoulou After months of deliberation, the minimum income requirement that spouses of British and settled people need in order to enter or stay in the UK, is increasing today. On the 4th of December 2023, the Home Secretary announced a five-point plan to ‘deliver the biggest ever cut[…]

Transport for West Midlands Scheme

Transport for West Midlands Scheme

Posted April 4, 2024

One of the many barriers for new arrivals is physically living in a brand new place. As you are settling, finances are often very tight too, limiting that ability to get to new places, integrate, attend job interviews etc. Transport connections can be a vital lifeline, but one some simply can’t afford. We are delighted[…]

Valentine’s for refugees

Valentine’s for refugees

Posted February 9, 2024

This valentine’s, show your support for refugees and support local charities with one simple ask.[…]

Ivanna’s story – Homes for Ukraine

Ivanna’s story – Homes for Ukraine

Posted January 22, 2024

Since August 2023, RMC have been delivering the full Homes for Ukraine contract on behalf of Birmingham City Council. Colin and Lucy were fantastic hosts who took in Ivanna and her 4 year old daughter. It can be a difficult thing from both side to welcome new arrivals into your home, and to begin a[…]

Festive fun at RMC

Festive fun at RMC

Posted December 31, 2023

Over the festive period, RMC have been hard at work, but managed to squeeze in some festive fun for our staff, volunteers and clients. Thats not all! With all that festive fun, we still saw over 2000 clients through our open door drop in through December! If you, or anyone you know needs support from[…]

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