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Transport for West Midlands Scheme

One of the many barriers for new arrivals is physically living in a brand new place. As you are settling, finances are often very tight too, limiting that ability to get to new places, integrate, attend job interviews etc. Transport connections can be a vital lifeline, but one some simply can’t afford.

We are delighted that we were one of the partners as part of the Transport for West Midlands Bus Scheme. This provided free transport to those on the scheme in order to build integration and allow greater access to services in the area.

Update: The scheme is now closed to new participants but has had a great impact on those that have taken part

What has been delivered

Over the last few months, our team has been working with around 450 RMC clients to register them to the scheme. All these people have been supported by RMC with new arrival support and have been active in building their life in the area.

For these individuals, the scheme will allow them to access season tickets to use West Midland buses at any time. Assuming they use the ticket, they will be able to renew this for one year, making travel easier than ever.

The impact

For those on the scheme, they will no longer have to wonder if they can afford to go to community activities, no longer need to walk for hours to get help, be able to visit friends and family much more easily.

Asylum seekers live on less than £50 per week and are not legally allowed to work to top this up. Therefore, with basic living costs going up everywhere, transport is something that is often given up. They are also not given choice of where they live, and therefore unless services are close by, many are simply too far to get to. This scheme opens up the whole area to them. English classes become accessible, social activities become possible and so much more.

For many, it will provide the chance to live, not just survive. To volunteer, to enjoy, to get to know other people.

For those that are allowed to work, it opens us many more opportunities and options and will help people get into work quicker.

The future

The registrations are all done, and we are very much looking forward to seeing all the opportunities people take up using this bus scheme. A huge thank you to Transport for West Midlands for working with us on this!

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