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Wolverhampton Project Showcase

On the 10th of November 2021, we hosted our first Wolverhampton Project Showcase. It was a day of bringing together those that have supported RMC, and those that have been supported by RMC. Sharing stories, getting to know each other and having a meal together.

“I must praise the outstanding work the Refugee and Migrant Centre do alongside city partners to enable refugees, asylum seekers and migrants to rebuild their lives.”

Counciller Ian Brookfield – Leader of Wolverhampton City Council


We were joined by a number of our clients, as well as council leaders and members of our team, to hear about a range of RMC projects, and more importantly, from the people impacted by them.

Councilors Tim Johnson (Chief Exec) and Ian Brookfield (Leader of the council) both spoke passionately about wanting to provide a proper welcome to new arrivals and the council’s commitment to supporting people.

When we talk about being a city of sanctuary, it’s not just words. It’s in our DNA. We want people to be welcomed, have a good experience. We fundamentally want people to have a great life in the city…. People that come into our city, however they arrive, are part of our own.

Tim Johnson – Chief Exec of Wolverhampton City Council

Wolverhampton City Council reported on the event, praising the work of RMC and the impact that is made to newly-arrived people’s lives. Supporting them to not just settle, but thrive in the city.


We were lucky to have some powerful speeches from people that have been supported on some of the RMC projects. Giving their own experiences of arriving in the UK and what the support has done for them, and where it has led them to.

Homeless and Destitution (coming soon)
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (coming soon)
Afghan Relocation Scheme (coming soon)

Getting to know each other

Once the speeches were done, questions were answered and our speakers could relax, we came together to share food and chat more informally. This gave everyone a chance to get to know more about the projects, the people, and why it is important.

This, as usual, involved some impressive-looking food!

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