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No immediate settlement for Sudanese evacuees

No immediate settlement for Sudanese evacuees

a statement from the West Midlands Immigration Advisors Network

Following the outbreak of the conflict in Sudan in April this year several thousand British nationals were evacuated. Additionally a small number of Sudanese and other third country nationals were evacuated based on their family connection to a British national. These ‘other’ nationals were granted 6 months leave to enter outside the rules.

Central England Law Centre on behalf of the West Midlands Immigration Advisors Network, asked Coventry MP Zarah Sultana, to request that the Home Office advise as to whether those in this position would be granted indefinite leave to remain (in line with the Home Office policy on resettled refugees and those evacuated from Afghanistan). The response from the Minister for Immigration is below.

This is disappointing given that they have been treated less favourably than other nationals who have recently entered the UK for humanitarian reasons. Across the West Midlands region we believe that there are approximately 100 people in this position and requiring them all to make individual applications creates both anxiety and uncertainty and will add to the ever increasing burden of work at the Home Office.

The West Midlands Immigration Network is a project funded by the Justice Together Initiative (JTI) designed to build the quality and provision of Immigration advice across the West Midlands. Four partners have come together to develop this support.

See more about the West Midlands Immigration Network here

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