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Syrian families explore history of RAF servicemen and women

Our Syrian Resettlement team continued their integration and learning about British history and culture with a visit to RAF Cosford’s Museum this half term.

Over 60 people attended the visit today (20th Feb) and spent the day discovering the history of the RAF, with the 4D simulator being a huge hit with the children! Despite the rain and winds, the families thoroughly enjoyed themselves with the children trying out every interactive display possible.

Along with the families, several RMC volunteers attended the visit, helping to interpret some of the more complex information, including some volunteers who themselves are Refugees.

Some of the families arrived in the UK less than 3 months ago, having arrived from Refugee camps in countries around Syria and are already attending English classes and building key employability skills to transfer into the job market.

Sandra, RMC’s Resettlement Manager, who has organised several trips for the newly arrived families said:

When families arrive in the UK, we do our best to support them to feel part of the community and quickly integrate. As well as our welcome walks, English classes and wrap around support package, trips like today help the families understand life in the UK, it’s rich history and importantly, have some fun!

The RAF museum is free entry and has several hangars of historical aircraft along with lots of history and interactive elements, allowing the whole family to enjoy and experience.

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